Wednesday, February 18, 2015

by David Maltman, Guest Contributor

I have found the articles posted to this blog too often demonstrate the challenges that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families experience in participating in the social, economic, cultural lives of their community. We all know that personal relationships and community networks are often the place to start when looking for a job or ways to better connect with neighbors and other members of our communities.

In response to this situation, the Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) has crafted a project intended to assist individuals and their families be more involved and included in community activities.  Inclusion, we believe, results in relationships with other people outside of the DD Silo who share common interests. In turn, communities will learn to utilize the gifts, talents, and skills of all citizens.

The DDC is working with Friendship Adventures to provide small grants to promote inclusion and innovation in building relationships. The "micro-grants" range from $100 to $500 and can be used to purchase goods, services, or pay certain fees. The application is simple to complete.  The only catch is that the purpose for seeking the grant must involve and benefit Washington residents with developmental disabilities in an integrated setting—it really is that simple..

If you have an idea about an activity or event that will promote inclusion, go to the Micro-Grant website for information and an application at:

The website explains who may submit an application, the award process, and how the micro-grants can be used to promote inclusion in the community. The website includes a tab for Frequently Asked Questions. Most ideas about ways to initiate or participate in community events or activities that create relationships between individuals with developmental disabilities and their families and their community, would be considered.

David Maltman, Policy Analyst 
Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council

Click here for a printable one-page fact sheet on Inclusion & Innovation Micro-Grants.

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